
“A sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement.”
Also covered is Muscular Tension and Muscular Spasms.

Sports Injuries, Minor ones: As you have possibly read in the Rheumatism, inflammation (or ‘itis’) of the soft tissue surrounding the joints such as bursae, tendons, synovial sheath and muscles, when irritated from repetitive stress or sprain and strains, Osteopaths CAN help. We look at the acute aspect of the problem, trying to reduce the local inflammation as well as the postural component that usually hinders the complete resolution of the problem.

Simple first aid advice can be given too, such as R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation), also sometimes Osteopaths can suggest to patients application of topical anti-inflammatory creams and acute homeopathic remedies can help with your recovery time. But mainly your osteopath should address the problem manually. Also refer to Muscular tension.

Muscular Tension | Muscle Spasms

Far too many of us are suffering from too much muscular tension, and for those unlucky ones, this can affect posture as well as overall quality of life. Excessive tension can lead to increase pressure in the affected joint and over time can lead to wear and tear which leads to more muscular tension, and so on…..

Osteopathy and Osteopaths work every single day towards reducing excessive muscular tension in their patients, by using gentle inhibition, functional unwinding, myofascial release techniques and much more. The fact that your Osteopath will treat you as an individual, and that he or she will take the time to know you a little better, will help you feel at ease, and surely more receptive to his or her treatment. Of course not only physical problems can lead to muscular tension, and osteopaths here are far too familiar with the word STRESS, which can bear many faces, and the mechanical aspect being far too often the smallest one. None the less, if your Osteopath can reduce a great deal of your muscular tension, well would you not say that this could help to cope with emotional stress. Visit Alexis your Local Osteopath, and beat that excessive Tension!